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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 04/12/2005
Antrim Parks & Recreation Committee minutes – April 12th, 2005

Attendance: Celeste Lunetta, Peter Lamb, Rick Wood, Sean Lowe
                    Absent: Sam Harding

Old Business:

The Committee acknowledged that the 2005 budget has been accepted and passed at the previous town meeting.

Celeste stated that baseball and softball signups seem to be going smoothly and the season is on successful track.

New Business:

The Committee discussed planning a field cleanup day for Shae field.  The tentative date is April 23rd  from 9am to 10am and any volunteers are encouraged to participate in this field cleanup to make the field clean and safe for upcoming childrens’ sporting seasons.

It has been brought to the attention of the committee that the tennis court is in need of resurfacing.  We will need to compare this need to Sam’s timeline plan of park and facilities maintenance.

The committee is also planning a date to clean off the basketball court for basketball and placement of the skateboard equipment.  Tentative date for placement of the equipment is the 1st week of May.

Celeste has stated that the yearly fishing derby is cancelled this year, as the pond will be drained during this time while the bridge on Summer St. is being repaired.  Monies usually allotted to this event will be used to purchase prizes for future Derbies.

The committee discussed what is going to a beach cleanup day.  This date will be finalized at the next meeting, in May.  Also discussed were new ways to anchor the raft, so as to have no exposed cinder blocks on the lake bottom.  This will be done when the lake is drained.

Celeste also expressed that the town has been accepted to receive, through Jerome Schultz, a grant from the New Hampshire Lake Association.  The grant is to fund “lake greeters” who’s main objective is to be at the boat launch on weekends to help educate boaters on Milfoil and other invasive water plants, how to prevent the spreading of these plants, and general care regarding transporting boats from different water bodies.  Gregg Lake is currently free of Milfoil and the committee feels this is a very important initiative on behalf of Celeste!
Meeting adjourned at 8:15
Next meeting May 10 7pm Antrim Recreation Room